Everything You Want to Know About Bulk Billing

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Bulk billing is not new to you if you have ever visited the doctor and returned without paying. This is probably because the services were entitled to bulk billing. There are many bulk billing doctors Greensborough that offer medical and cosmetic services without affecting your pocket. If you are new to the concept of bulk billing, then here are the facts worth noting. 

What does bulk-billing mean?

Many health professionals in Australia follow the standard rate card as per Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and hence charge the Government directly for the medical services. The patient doesn’t have to pay from his pocket. 

Other than bulk billing, there is another billing system called ‘patient account’. In this system, patient has to pay for the medical services. Partial amount can be claimed back from government while the rest of the fees known as ‘gap payment’ is paid from the patient’s pocket. 

Who all can benefit from bulk-billing?

Anybody living in Australia and having valid Medicare card can be eligible for bulk-billing. However, the final decision is made by the health professional according to their business policy. 

How to know if bulk-billing is offered by the health professional?

Bulk-billing is not offered by all health professionals. It is important to check with the facility before approaching for the treatment in order to be sure of their billing policy. The billing policy may differ for medical and cosmetic treatments. Cosmetic treatment like anti wrinkle treatment Melbourne may not be included in the bulk-billing policy, however one can still check with the practitioner before going for the treatment. 

Common services offered by bulk billing doctors Greensborough include – 

  • GP and specialist appointments for any type of common or specialized problem. 
  • All types of pathology tests required for diagnosis and treatment of the ailment. 
  • X-ray and scans conducted as a part of the ailment. 
  • Eye tests and treatments carried out by optometrists offering bulk-billing facility. 

Apart from above mentioned treatment options, one can also check for special health care cards offered to seniors, minors, pensioners, low income group, foster child, and ex-carer. Special allowance is offered to the doctor when medical services are offered to these special card holders. Make sure that you inform your doctor in advance about any such card other than Medicare card to help them serve you better and get extra payment as a part of bulk-billing service. 

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