Hair transplant surgery can change your appearance 

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                      Hair transplant treatment 

Hair transplant treatment is providing new life and hope to those who are suffering from hair loss or baldness. Hair transplant surgeries are present in India and many people undergo these procedures every year. Modern hair transplant techniques are sophisticated and give natural look. It can transform people appearance and restore self-confidence. The best thing of this treatment is patient can get back to his normal life soon after the surgery. Patients are discharged either on the same day or within 1-2 days. They have to follow the instructions for some days in order to get desired results. Also, they may have redness or swelling for few days after transplant. 

How hair transplant is done?

Hair transplant is a method where hair follicles are removed from the donor area and transplanted to the recipient area. It is usually of two kind’s FUT follicular unit transplantation and FUT follicular unit extraction. Mostly people prefer FUE follicular unit extraction because it is advanced and painless procedure. It is also affordable and need to be done once in a life. It does not leave scars and extract healthy hair from the donor area and transplant on the bald areas while FUT follicular unit transplantation leaves behind linear scars. 

Advantages of FUE 

Another main advantage of follicular unit extraction is healing time. It is shorter than follicular unit transplantation. With this patients can resume their activities within two days whereas follicular unit transplantation takes seven to ten days. It does not put any kind of limitations. One can easily go to gym and do exercise. 


Patients should take some precautions which are very important.

  1. After and before getting this treatment patients should stay away from alcohol, smoking and spicy meals.
  2. Shampooing or brushing should be suspended for fifteen days after the surgery.
  3. Patients should wear disposable clothing and stay still during the treatment.
  4. Adding to it, after hair restoration procedure patients should consume diet enriched in protein, zinc, iron. It will not ensure the health of body but also of scalp. Regular exercise will keep you de-stress and helps in blood flow.    

Male pattern baldness

When men start losing their hair in case of male pattern baldness, their appearance gets affected. It makes them look older than what they actually are. Thus, hair transplant provides them second chance which helps them in looking young and attractive.


Before visiting any Hair transplant  clinic research well. References work in an effective manner. You can take help from your friends or relatives or can consult  Hair Transplant in Ludhiana. Search on internet for reviews or ratings of doctor who is going to treat you. Best transplant clinics always have past references of the patients whom they have treated successfully. Ask from doctors available in clinics for previous work as well as their case studies so that you can get contact list of previous patients and this will help you. 








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