Things to do when your spouse is addicted to opioids

Things to do when your spouse is addicted to opioids

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Those who are in a committed relationship with someone who is addicted to opioids know without a doubt that it is destructive. This article revolves around ways of dealing with an addict spouse. When a spouse is addicted to opioids many problems start to stem in a family. Addiction is a disease that is confusing, hurtful, and excessively overwhelming, so much so that it is difficult to understand that your spouse is under addiction. Look out for these signs to understand if your partner is an addict.


– Driving while intoxicated

– Prioritizing drugs over other responsibilities

– Disturbed finances due to excessive spending on drugs

– Putting other people’s lives at risk while intoxicated

– Struggling at work or job loss                    

– Being disconnected from the surroundings


Dealing with an addict spouse

Many people struggle to understand how to deal with a drug addict husband or wife. Here are some ways to deal with them:

Know all you can about addiction – To help your partner, you should know all about opioid addiction and how it can be treated.

Connect with a support group – Join a support group to learn from experiences of others and mostly to connect with people in similar situations to understand that you are not alone.

Avoid Denial – Don’t pretend that there is no problem, face your partner’s addiction to your family’s well-being.

Take care of yourself – You cannot help an addict if you are not physically and mentally fit. Even though you are struggling with your partner’s addiction, take time out for yourself to remain physically healthy and mentally calm

Draw a line – It is great that you are helping your spouse deal with their addiction, but draw lines when it comes to financial, verbal, or physical abuse, and then decide what’s best for you, even if it is quitting the relationship

When trying to understand how to deal with a drug addict boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, we tend to center our whole life around that person. While it is important to help the ones you love, you should not sacrifice yourself completely in doing so. In that case, you have two casualties rather than one.

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