Your Diet And Your Acne | Facial Treatment In Singapore

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When people are experiencing acne breakout, they resort to various skincare routines and search for the best facial treatment in Singapore that can put their zits to stop. But only a few have considered altering their diet in the hopes of calming down their acne break out.

But what causes acne in the first place? Acne is the result of trapped oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria in the pores. Many skin care products claim to remove the sebum, dead skin, and bacteria buildup from the pores to prevent acne. Some facial promotion packages also promise to tighten the pores for flawless skin.

But why does the food we eat matter when the acne problem is on the skin and not in the stomach?

Your Diet And Your Acne

“You are what you eat,” this is an old saying that every one of us must have already heard at some point in our lives. It is because our diet affects our overall health. But what is the connection between the food you eat and your acne problems? Is changing your diet more effective than getting a facial for sensitive skin in Singapore?

There is still no clear evidence that some food can treat acne; however, it is true that the nutrients the body absorbs from the food we eat may drastically influence the factors that play roles behind your acne. These factors include hormones and blood sugar levels.

Hormones and your acne

Hormones have been long connected to acne. There are certain hormones that trigger the overproduction of sebum. There is a high chance for your pores to clog when there is excessive oil on the face. Clogged pores lead to inflammation and acne.

It is why ladies get acne when they are nearing their periods. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may also experience acne breakouts due to hormonal imbalance.

Many undergo facial treatment in Singapore to manage their hormonal acne.

Blood sugar level and your acne

Blood sugar levels can also tip the balance of your hormones. When the blood sugar level increases, the body produces a hormone that triggers an overproduction of sebum in your glands.

Hence, increasing the risk of clogged pores, inflammation, and eventually acne.

Controlling and stabilising the hormones and blood sugar levels through diet and lifestyle may have an effect on your acne. A healthy diet can also be supplemental to your facial for sensitive skin in Singapore.


Clean Eating And Clear Skin

As mentioned above, no food can treat or prevent acne, but the nutrients we get may regulate the factors that influence your acne breakouts, namely hormones and blood sugar levels.

Here are the food groups that can help with or worsen your acne breakout:


The best facial treatment in Singapore may provide skin hydration externally, but water gives hydration internally. How can water help clear your skin?

Did you know that 90% of our blood is water? Blood is essential in delivering oxygen throughout the body, including the skin. The organs function better and have stronger protection against pathogens when well oxygenated.

When the skin is hydrated, it retains moisture. Moisturised skin boosts cell rejuvenation and collagen production, which can be advantageous when your face is healing from acne or facial treatment in Singapore.

Water also helps stabilise blood sugar levels. Additionally, water can quench thirst, which we often mistake as “hunger”. We can reduce daily calorie and sugar consumption by drinking water to satisfy this “hunger” instead of eating food.

High-fat food

Food high in saturated fats may affect your blood sugar levels. This article discusses earlier how blood sugar levels influence acne breakouts.

A high concentration of saturated fats triggers the production of insulin growth factor, which produces hormones that promote the overproduction of sebum in the face.

Limiting your consumption of food high in saturated fats, such as red meat, can help control the oil production of your glands.

You can include this on your diet after your facial for sensitive skin in Singapore.


Dairy products are rich in forms of sugar, such as lactose, fructose, and glucose. Additionally, dairy also has fats and hormones that stimulate acne breakouts.

Being mindful of your dairy consumption, especially milk, butter, and cheese, can help stabilise your sugar levels and hormones.

You can also find low-fat dairy products as an alternative.

Salty food

Too much salt in the body is dehydrating. Dehydration means less moisturised skin. And when your skin is dry, skin cell rejuvenation and collagen production slow down. It means that skin healing from acne will take longer.

Sodium also makes you look older as it aggravates bags under the eyes and wrinkles.

It is better to cut back from salty food if you are getting a facial promotion.

Sugary food

Sugary food and beverages spike your sugar levels. And we all know that when your blood sugar is high, the higher the chance of acne breakout.

It is better to cut back on sugary drinks, such as sodas, artificial fruit drinks, and milk teas. Limit your white rice, white bread, and pastry intake.

You can consume a controlled portion of your favourite desserts, such as one scoop of ice cream or one chocolate bar.

You can also opt for sugar-free and diabetic-friendly alternatives.

Green leafy vegetables

Start incorporating green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and celery, into your diet.

Green and leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Vitamin A slows down sebum production, whilst vitamin E protects your skin from sun damage. Green vegetables are also rich in folate and antioxidants that help speed up cell rejuvenation, essential for skin repair.

Your leaves are also rich in lutein which hydrates and moisturises your skin.

All these benefits may help calm your acne breakout. It can be helpful after  your facial treatment in Singapore.


Having a healthy diet is beneficial to your body; it can even help alleviate your acne problems!

There is no harm in trying cleaner and healthier food. Who knows? It may be the answer to clearing up your skin after your facial for sensitive skin in Singapore.

Indulgence Beauty


Are you looking for the best facial treatment in Singapore? Indulgence Beauty provides various facial promotion packages. Visit Indulgence Beauty today.

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