Dating in your teenage years

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Dating can be scary at the best of times but it is even more so when you are a teenager. All those hormones that are raging around your body doesn’t help either. There are some things that you can do to help your teenager children, your friends and yourself when it comes to dating in your teens and early twenties.

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Here are some tips to help you.

  • Take your time – There is no definitive age as to when you should start dating. Some people may be ready emotionally before others. It is not a race and not a competition with your friends. Take your time and only start entertaining the idea of dating when you feel comfortable and ready to do so. No one should feel pressured into either from their friends or a potential partner. Once you start dating their is no rush to progress through your relationship and any decision to move into a physical relationship needs to be mutual and you need to make sure you are doing so consensually and safely and if you need to contact a Home StI Kits London company such as to get yourself and your partner checked before you take your relationship to the next level.
  • Mutual feelings – before you embark on a relationship with someone you will want to make sure that they are in the same position as you are. There is nothing worse that dreamily hoping for a relationship with someone who views you solely as a friend or worse doesn’t even recognise your existence. The same goes for respecting one another when you do find that special person to date. You might not both be at the same point at the same time so respect a person’s decision to wait to engage in a physical relationship is incredibly important for a healthy relationship as well as for the longevity of your relationship. It is important to never force anyone to progress a relationship that they are not ready for.

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  • Love doesn’t happen overnight – being in a relationship should be enjoyable and you should want to spend time together, getting to know one another and enjoying activities and outings together. There is no rush to get to a point where you are declaring your undying love for one another. Love grows over time and what you think of as feelings of love may not be the same as someone else’s.

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