How Laser Treatment Can Be Your Savior

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Many of us dream of clear, wrinkle-free skin – both men and women, but achieving a clear skin without any dark spots, wrinkles, damage and Rosacea is no joke. But should we give up? No. Thanks to the advancement of dermatological sciences now you can achieve flawless skin just within 2 hours. If you are in a hurry, you can get it done in 45 minutes as well. We know it sounds too good to be true that you enter the room with skin that has dark spots, acne scars and wrinkles and when you leave, you have spotless, clear skin Doo you want to know the secret behind this quick skin-clearing method? The secret is laser treatment Please keep reading to find out more about the secret that we have for you. A laser may look like a magic wand that can render every scar to vanish. To get outstanding results, it is important to understand simple details before you get the treatment done.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment includes a specific light bulb which only produces light at specific wavelengths or color. Such light waves may penetrate the skin and induce a reaction in the skin. You can get different results from the different wavelength of lights; however, the three most prevalent wavelengths used for skincare are blue, red and near-infrared. There are many other colors as well, but yellow and green are the ones used most commonly.


Red light

For: HealingThe red light was examined for its possible applications in medication, more precisely to figure out if RLT could enhance the energy within human cells. Experts believe that RLT could be a successful way to combat muscle atrophy, slow wound healing, and bone structure issues induced by weightlessness when travelling in the space.


Yellow light

For: Fine lines and wrinkles. The yellow wavelength acts very similar to Botox as it helps in antifogging. Yellow light decreases hyper pigmentation and wrinkle-causing redness, thus increasing blood flow. It stimulates the production of cells and the rejuvenation process inside your cells to work on improving the density of your skin that starts loosing after you turn 30, causing fine lines and signs of aging.



For: Pigmentation. Green laser light helps in dealing with dark circles, pigmentation, damaged capillaries and spots caused by the sun. It often relieves irritated and over-stimulated skin.


Blue light

For: Acne. Blue light minimizes acne vulgarism (the microorganisms that cause all such spots), and they leave the bacteria the same. Many experts recommend using the blue light with red laser light; however, the blue light can be used alone as well. The red and blue lights have quite a different wavelength and, especially when combined, they kill the bacteria that causes acne allowing the skin to heal itself.


Near-Infrared Light

For: Improving skin texture infrared light is a large range of light with wavelengths ranging from 700 nm to 1 million nm. It combines with the visible red spectrum of light at its shortest wavelengths meaning near-infrared. It mixes into the spectrum of wavelengths at the longest end. Near-infrared light has received wide attention for its ability to stimulate anti-inflammatory procedures and now is commonly used during veterinarian medication to cure sprained ankles, bone fractures and speed up wound healing. The infrared laser increases the elastin in the dermis and allows a skin-enhancing impact. It is great when dealing with skin texture, dilated pores and wrinkles.


How to Prepare for the Procedure

Prior to the laser treatment, the dermatologist will have a look at the medical records of the patient to know more about their medical history, the patients and doctors need to address the expectations, future complications and results of the operation. There are a few things that the patient must do to prepare for the treatment: ·Make sure that you avoid all kinds of chemical peels, tanning beds, collagen injections, sunbathing, or waxing at least 2 weeks before your laser treatment.You must not use any perfumes or deodorants before or after the treatment as it may cause allergic reactions.There may be an increased risk of bleeding, so avoid all kinds of herbal supplements and aspirin. Laser treatment can be your saviour, make sure to consult your practitioner in detail before you make a decision.

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