How to Speak Confidently When You’re Nervous and How a Glass of Water Filtered by Big Berkey Filter Helps

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Speaking in front of other people with confidence is a gift. Not everyone can do it well. Even those who have been doing it for several years still feel nervous when given the task of presenting in front of a crowd. It’s natural for anyone to feel that way. Potential mistakes can cause humiliation, and no one wants it to happen. There’s also a chance that the prepared speech would either be too boring or not relatable at all. Even the prorated jokes might sound off or awkward. The good thing is that having a glass of water filtered by the Big Berkey filter helps. It makes you feel calm while you speak. You will still feel nervous, but you gradually relax. Once you’re calm, you can think clearly. You will also forget that there are dozens of people listening to you. If it’s not enough, these are the other tips you might want to consider.

Arrive at the venue earlier

It helps if you get to the venue before everyone else is there. You can have a feel of the location and get used to it. You can also check the sound system and other equipment you will use to present. If there are issues, you have time to fix them. When it’s time for you to speak, you know it will be free from technical issues. It makes you more confident. You can also practice your blocking on stage and determine the best spot to feel comfortable speaking.

Keep practicing 

If you still have time to practice what they’re going to say, you have to make the most of it. When you already know what you have to say, you’ll feel more confident. However, you also need to avoid memorizing everything down to the last word. Once you forget a word on stage, everything else might get messed up. You should also practice your possible ad libs if you couldn’t remember some of the phrases in your speech.

Don’t compare yourself with others 

There’s nothing wrong if you would take a look at videos of other people speaking. You can get some essential tips from them on how to express yourself. The problem is when you try to compare yourself with him. You will either force yourself to be like them or feel inferior because they are a lot better. Remember that every speaker has unique qualities. There’s no need to compare yourself with another person if you can develop your own style of presenting your ideas. Putting yourself under immense pressure will only make you feel more nervous.

Run your speech with another person

Find a person who is willing to listen to your speech and try saying the whole thing. Listen to the feedback and try to improve your speech if you still have time to do it. Focus on the jokes that you intend to say. Some of them might be inappropriate, and someone else might point it out to you. You should also focus on delivery. If you’re too boring or overwhelming when you speak, another person can see it. You will have enough time to deal with these issues and change them before the actual presentation.

Find the best clothes to wear

Even if you feel like you’re not the best speaker, you can still boost your confidence by looking your best. Shop for the best clothes to wear and impress the people with your appearance. Of course, they won’t judge you based on how you look. However, if looking good makes you feel more confident, you should prepare yourself. Besides, wearing something good will also make you feel smart and self-assured.

Don’t sleep late

If you’re too nervous, you might end up spending the entire night practicing, even if the presentation is on the following day. You’ve had several days or even weeks to prepare. On the eve of your presentation, you should relax. You will be in a better shape to present if you had a good rest before the delivery. You can also wake up early and try some mindfulness activities to help calm you down. Once the presentation draws nearer, you will gradually illuminate your nervousness.

Always remember that no one is perfect

If you have extremely high standards about your performance, you’re setting yourself up to fail. The truth is that no one is perfect, and no speech would ever be perfect. Even some of the best speakers around the world will still have critics. Whether it’s on the delivery or the speech’s content, some people will always have terrible things to say. Therefore, it makes no sense if you allow yourself to be under immense pressure because of what other people think about your presentation. They will form an opinion about what you’re going to say regardless of how you prepare. Just try your best when you’re up there and see where it goes. Deal with the results later once you’re already done. Otherwise, you will look nervous on stage, and you might not deliver the right words.

Think of everyone as your friend 

When you’re about to deliver your speech, you have to look at everyone in the room and think that all of them are your friends. Being around your friends make you feel comfortable. You can also say anything you want. If you treat everyone in the room the same way, you’ll feel more relaxed. You can also look at every person and have a big smile on your face. You might still be nervous deep inside, but you can easily hide it.

When you finished your presentation, you have to be proud of yourself. You can also evaluate your performance and ask other people how you’re going to improve in the future. Don’t punish yourself if you feel like you didn’t do a great job. There’s always an opportunity to do better, and it’s one step at a time.

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