Sedation Dentistry: What are the Different Types?

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Those who are nervous about undergoing dental care or going to the dentist have a popular sedative option known as sedation dentistry. Many dentists resort to sedation dentistry high point nc to ensure they stay comfortable and relaxed during their dental visit.

With iv sedation dentist anchorage ak, it is possible for patients to not have any memory of what happened during the dental procedure. There is also a very minimal chance that patients will feel any fear, pain, stress, or anxiety when sedated.

The Different Types of Sedation Dentistry

Below are some of the most common types of sedation dentistry:

Inhaled Minimal Sedation

With this type of sedation, you breathe in “laughing gas,” also commonly known as nitrous oxide. It works by helping you relax. Your dentist will adjust the amount of sedation based on what is right for you and your case. Patients will inhale the nitrous gas by wearing a mask over their nose.

Oral Sedation

One of the most prevalent forms of anesthesia is oral sedation. This is considered ideal for dental patients who are anxious and very fearful. Oral sedation range can be minimal down to moderate. With moderate range, some patients can feel very drowsy and even end up falling asleep during the treatment.

Depending on the needs of the patient and the dental procedure carried out, patients can take oral medication to experience sedative effects like feeling groggy (mild range) or falling asleep (moderate range).

IV Moderate Sedation

With this technique, the sedative effects can take place very quickly. You don’t have to worry about getting overdosed or the drug taking too long to work.

General Anesthesia and Deep Sedation

With deep sedation or general anesthesia, patients might not be fully conscious during the dental procedure. With general anesthesia, the medication used and injected into your body can put you in a deep sleep.

One advantage of this technique? Patients won’t be able to feel any pain during the dental procedure. This type also is fast acting and can make patients lose consciousness almost instantly.

The Different Levels of Sedation

There are different levels of sedation—mild, moderate, and deep. Let’s explore each of the levels below:

Mild Sedation

Sedatives are effective options to keep patients relaxed and calm their nerves. Laughing gas or nitrous oxide is used during dental procedures to help ensure patients stay conscious while feeling completely comfortable and at ease.

Patients can also breathe on their own and will not be unconscious during the procedure. Nitrous oxide will allow dentists to carry out dental procedures effortlessly as patients won’t feel stressed and anxious.

Moderate Sedation

Intravenous sedation (IV sedation) and oral sedation can help dental patients who have moderate levels of dental anxiety. These patients will be given an oral pill prior to the procedure to keep them relaxed. In some instances, a shot is administered for faster relief.

When the sedation starts to wear off, the patient can feel a bit woozy and might need help getting home. Fortunately, moderate sedation’s post-procedure effects are only temporary. However, it is still recommended that you have someone drive you home after the procedure.

Deep Sedation

For those patients who are looking for a quick fix, deep sedation is considered their best bet. Deep sedation is also considered one of the most prevalent forms of anesthesia used for complex procedures like dental implants and root canal treatment.

General anesthesia can make patients unconscious. Breathing assistance is done through tubes inserted in their mouth or nose. This makes it possible for them to breathe without moving any muscles.

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