Symptoms and Warnings of Toenail Fungal Infection

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Toenail fungus can be difficult to get rid of and doesn’t only look ugly; it is painful as well. One should maintain proper foot hygiene to keep toenail fungus from appearing. If left unchecked, the toenail fungus can spread easily and may become unbearably painful as well.

Taking preventive measures is important when it comes to toenail fungus, and one of the best ways is to know the symptoms of this infection. It would help you take corrective measures as soon as you see any symptoms surfacing.

Darkening or Discoloration

If your toenails get discolored or start to darken, then it might be the tell-tale sign of toenail fungus. Start applying the antiseptic lotion in the affected region to kill and control the fungal growth. Taking probiotics for the toenail fungus is also a good idea to supplement your effort in the fight against the fungal infection.

Thickening of Nail

If your nails start to thicken, show white spots on it, or have deformed growth, then maybe it is the fungal infection that is at play here.

Swelling and Redness

The toenail fungal infection is often accompanied by redness in the affected region, followed by swelling. It starts to become look not only ugly but also painful with time if no treatment is started immediately. If you feel that your toenail is lightly paining or the area has become red in color, then it is time to visit the doctor.

Foul Odour

If the toenail emits unpleasant and foul odor even when you are trying your best to maintain foot hygiene, it is a possible sign that fungal infection has already started to develop. Catching the fungal infection at an early stage helps in damage control as well as keeps a check on its further growth.

These are the few symptoms of toenail fungus you should be wary about. If you feel you’re suffering from any of these symptoms, taking corrective steps immediately and consulting with the doctor can be helpful.

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