The bricks of our body and The Options for Anti Ageing

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To put the odds on our side, we must also consider proteins, the building material of our body. Their essential function is to maintain and repair all our tissues, whose cells are constantly renewing themselves, 24 hours a day. An insufficient supply of proteins always results, in the long run, in poor condition of the skin and hair or nails, and can lead to premature aging (wilting of the skin, muscle sagging, etc.). You should consume at least one gram of protein per kilogram of body per day, for example 60 g of protein for a weight of 60 kg. However, beware of abuses, always harmful and heavy with consequences! Meats, fish, eggs, dairy products and soy contain complete proteins, like brewer’s yeast, wheat germ and algae.

Antioxidant substances protective effect

Finally, our diet must be rich in antioxidant or anti-free radical substances. These substances fight against all the phenomena of oxidative degeneration (of which premature aging is a part) and exert a protective effect on all the cells of our body, just as lemon juice prevents grated apple and celery from turning black. Free radicals, on the other hand, are oxidizing molecules that attack and degrade cells in all of our tissues. In the skin, they damage collagen and elastin (the main skin proteins) and act on lipids. This causes the loss of tone and suppleness of the skin on the one hand and the formation of lipofuscin, the pigment that constitutes age spots, on the other.

  • Many factors generate free radicals: pollution, excessive exposure to the sun, smoke, alcohol and fat abuse, etc. Luckily for us, our body fights free radicals by producing enzymes that destroy them: superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The synthesis of these natural “anti – aging agents” decreases over time and can vary considerably from one individual to another.

Part of the reason that some people appear younger than their age is that their bodies secrete more of these enzymes. In addition, certain substances present in food promote the synthesis of these enzymes or potentiate their action. The 6 major anti-free radical substances are vitamins a, c and e and the trace elements selenium, sulfur and zinc. Carotene, the vegetable precursor of vitamin a, seems to be more effective than the vitamin of animal origin. Here are the best natural sources of these valuable substances. When it comes to the NMN powder then you can Contact us to learn more.

Carotene: brightly colored vegetables and fruits, especially orange-yellow and green, dried fruits and spirulina algae.

Vitamin C: fruits (especially blackcurrant, redcurrant, rose hip, kiwi, citrus fruits and strawberries) and vegetables (especially parsley, cabbage, watercress, peppers, spinach and fennel).

Vitamin E: wheat germ, oils from wheat germ, sunflower, safflower, etc., oleaginous fruits, cereals, liver and egg.

Selenium: whole grains, brewer’s yeast, liver, egg, onion and garlic.

Sulfur: protein foods of animal origin, pulses, garlic, onion and sulphated mineral waters (eg Aproz, Contrex, Valser, etc.).

Zinc: seafood, seaweed, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, whole grains, liver and oleaginous fruits.

Antioxidant substances can be the subject of a supplement, as a cure. This is especially valid for selenium (at a rate of 100 mcg / day), the soil of our country being poor in this trace element.

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