The medical reasons behind why a naturally fermented probiotics is superior over lab produced

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Before we get into probiotic supplements, a brief “intro” about probiotics is important. Probiotics are foods that contain live microorganisms: they are the “good” bacteria of our digestive system and that act against the “bad ones”, forming both intestinal flora. Now that the fermented natural probiotic supplements are available, the lab produced ones are better not be used. Let us have a look under which parts they surpass the later.

Benefits of Fermented probiotics for our health

  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce the pH
  • They strengthen the immune system.
  • Reduce food allergies

They produce vitamins B1, B6, folic acid, biotin and vitamin K, as well as various amino acids.Fermented foods are the best way to include probiotics in our diet: homemade yogurts, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut and miso are excellent options.Another way to take these precious foods is through probiotic supplements. BIO 15 is one important addition in this. Click for more information now.

Do probiotic supplements work?

The fermented probiotics in supplement “can” offer us the advantage of having identified and quantified the strains that enter our body as opposed to the probiotic foods that are subject to many variables: ingredients, time, temperature, humidity, etc. to which they have been subjected in its fermentation process and subsequent conservation.

But, is everything that glitters gold?

Once again we must be vigilant before embarking on the compulsive purchase of probiotic supplements. Neither is equal, nor is it all good for everything.

For a probiotic supplement to be effective, it is necessary that the bacteria arrive alive and in sufficient numbers to our intestines.

How do they get alive to the intestine? 

The effectiveness of fermented probiotics and that they really are a treasure   for our organism at the height of the price we pay for them, it will depend on whether they arrive alive to the intestine. To guarantee this, look at these 4 points:

That they are present in sufficient quantity:

Minimum must contain 1000 million UFC bacteria (colony forming units). A probiotic with fewer bacteria lacks effectiveness.

Look for supplements that guarantee the amount of CFU at the time of expiration. Most supplements inform us of the amount of CFU at the time of manufacture, not at the time of consumption. Do not buy products without a counting guarantee.

Is there life?  

For probiotics to produce any effect they must be alive or frozen-dry (lyophilized). If the product does not detail the status of these microorganisms, it will be the clue that indicates that you are almost certainly facing a product with no real effects. If they are alive, follow the instructions to keep them, usually in the refrigerator. You can Find our more in the website now.


When we talk about probiotics and millions of bacteria, reference is made to contain a certain type of “strain.” What are the strains? The beneficial bacteria for our intestines are classified by their gender, their species and strain. Within each genus and species, each strain has a different function in the body.

Choose the one that suits your needs. The most common are Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1.

This would be one of the essential strains:

  • It stimulates the immune system
  • Balances intestinal flora
  • Contributes to healthy digestion
  • L actbacillus acidophilus NCFM. Among its benefits:
  • It produces B vitamins, folic acid, riboflavin, Niacin, Biotin and pantothenic acid.
  • Improves calcium absorption
  • Aids in the digestion of lactose

Improves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

Produces natural antibiotics that help in the control of intestinal pathogenic bacteria and the control of intestinal candidiasis

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