What is Pontalon used for

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Pontalon is one of the brand names for Mefenamic acid which is widely used in Malaysia. It is an oral capsule used to treat mild to moderate pain. In this article, we will look into detail on the usage of Pontalon.

What is Pontalon used for?

Pontalon aids in relieving mild to moderate pain caused by menstruation, headache, dental, muscular and post-partum pain.

How does Pontalon work?

Pontalon belongs to the family of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). It works by blocking an enzyme known as cyclooxygenase(COX). The enzyme plays a role in producing a chemical known as prostaglandin which leads to fever, pain and inflammation. NSAIDS work by reducing the level of prostaglandin in our body.

How to take Pontalon

Pontalon is an oral capsule to be taken by mouth. You should take the medication with food every 6 hours as needed. It is usually prescribed as a short term treatment to avoid side effects.

For menstrual pain, the medication is usually taken for 2-3 days while for other conditions, Pontalon can be taken up to a week.

What to do if you forgot a dose

If you forgot a dose, you may take the dose immediately. However, if it’s near to time for taking a second dose, take only one dose, do not take two doses at the same time.

Side effect

Pontalon can cause several side effects:

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Stomach bloated
  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Rashes
  • Blurred vision
  • Tinnitus (Ringing in your ears)

Side effects are usually mild and go off by themselves for a few days later. However, do consult your doctor and stop the medication immediately if the side effects are severe.

Rare but serious side effect

  • Peptic ulcer (ulcer in stomach or intestine)
  • Liver damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Skin reaction such as rashes and skin peeling

Who should not take Pontalon?

Asthmatic patient

In asthmatic patients who are known to have hypersensitivity to NSAIDs or aspirin, taking a Pontalon might cause the airway to be further narrowed which precipitates an asthmatic attack.

Pregnant woman

Pontalon should be avoided in pregnant women 20 weeks or later in pregnancy as it might cause kidney problems in babies and reduced amniotic fluid.

Patient with cardiovascular disease

Pontalon might increase your risk of getting a heart attack and stroke. The risk is higher if you’ve been taking the medication for a long period of time and a high dose or you have coexisting heart diseases.

Patient with peptic ulcer

Pontalon decreases the prostaglandin which acts as a protective effect in our stomach to prevent corrosive action of stomach acid. As a result, there is an increased risk of developing ulcers on the stomach or intestine.

Patient taking warfarin or aspirin

Pontalon might have interaction with other drugs such as warfarin and aspirin. Warfarin and aspirin are blood thinning agents, if consumed together with Pontalon it might increase the risk of bleeding in the stomach and worsen the ulcer condition in stomach or intestine.

Special dosing considerations

Patient with kidney or liver disease

A deterioration in kidney function is seen in people using Pontalon for a long time. Pontalon might affect your liver function as well in which your doctor might perform some blood tests to monitor your liver function.

If you have liver or kidney disease, your body might not be able to clear the drug from your body effectively. A higher dosage remaining in the body might lead to side effects.


In conclusion, Pontalon is a mefenamic acid belonging to the family of NSAIDs. It works by reducing the chemical known as prostaglandin to relieve fever, pain and inflammation. Pontalon is used to treat mild to moderate pain caused by muscle pain, menstrual pain, headache, fever and pain after delivery. Special dosing consideration might be needed in a specific group. Do consult your doctor if you’ve got further enquiries.

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