Causes and Warning Signs of Painkiller Addiction and Rehab Options in Dallas

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Opioid pain medications are essential in the short term, but they have a significant potential for abuse. Opioid addiction does not happen overnight. Addiction develops slowly in many people who take prescription medicines. Opioids have a substantial potential for abuse, and their misuse may result in addiction. If you know somebody who has a problem with opioid dependency or any other prescription addiction, please get in touch with us at Skyward Treatment Center in Dallas.

What Sets Off an Addiction to Painkillers?

Opioids are a short-term solution for persistent pain. They just numb the pain for some time, but they don’t eliminate it. Prescription opioids should not be utilized for the management of ongoing pain.

Opioids are highly addictive and hard to stop because they have a cumulative effect on the brain and body. No one factor sets the stage for the onset of painkiller addiction. Addiction is in part caused by a person’s genetic makeup, as is the case with all addictive behaviors. When someone takes a pain reliever, their brain releases the neurotransmitter dopamine, creating a false sense of well-being. Dopamine is released to the brain, and this may cause dependency and a need for more.

Opioid prescriptions have psychological consequences that include analgesic relief and an increase in feel-good sensations. Individuals who suffer from untreated depression or who have other co-occurring mental issues are at a greater risk for developing an addiction.

To What Extent Is Painkiller Dependence Comprehensible?

Tolerance is a terrifying prospect for anybody on prescription pain relievers. Over time, a person’s body may develop a tolerance to the medicine, altering the intended effects. Therefore, opioids should only be used as a short-term solution for those with chronic pain.

When a person reaches a point where they are unable to function normally without the drug, we call it a dependency. Several factors, such as a person’s weight, age, and the potency of their medication, affect the length of time needed for a given treatment.

Developing a tolerance to pain relievers is less likely if they are used precisely as prescribed by a doctor.

What Are the Warning Signs of Opioid Abuse?

Knowing the signs of substance misuse can help you keep your life under control or seek help if it’s needed.

Substance abuse of pain relievers may present itself in several ways.

  • Rapid changes in personality
  • Anxiety
  • Isolation from others
  • Mood outbursts
  • Requesting more medication than is recommended by doctors.
  • Taking more drugs than prescribed

Even if you believe you have complete control over your prescription painkiller use, you should not dismiss worries about your use.  Get medical help as soon as possible if you exhibit any of the above mentioned signs.

Contacting Skyward Treatment Center Today Would Be a Great Decision.

It is generally best to get started on drug or alcohol treatment as soon as possible. Help with opioid or prescription drug addiction is available from the trained specialists at Skyward Treatment Center in Dallas, Texas. Contact Skyward Center or visit our website if you have any queries concerning our prescription drug abuse rehabilitation program.

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