Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy the Elixir of a Youthful State?

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We all have to age one day. No one has ever found a youth elixir that can keep us young forever. However, we do have cosmetic products and procedures that can reduce or at least delay the appearance of signs of old age on our skin such as wrinkles and fine lines.

The use of platelets from the plasma of a patient for repairing various maxillofacial defects after trauma or injuries is being done for a very long time. Much recently, this platelet-rich plasma has found its application in cosmetic surgeries to enhance skin elasticity and firmness. This technique known as plasmolifting uses our blood to bring back the skin that we had when we were much younger.

The plasma from the patient is collected in specialized gel tubes that contain a thixotropic gel to separate plasma from the blood components. If you are a medical professional looking to buy PRP tubes for blood collection to be used in plasmolifting for your patients, you can visit Dr. Renat Akhmerov’s Plasmolifting Technologies in Deutschland to obtain certified gel tubes that can obtain a high-quality concentration of plasma.

What is plasmolifting?

PRP therapy in which your blood is collected and platelet-rich autoplasm is collected to be injected back at the site of injury is a very old procedure used in the field of dentistry to stimulate the process of tissue regeneration at the site of injury.

This same method was studied by Roman F. Zarudy and Renat R. Akhmerov to study the aesthetic effects of platelets and thereby developed the process of plasmolifting.

Platelets produce growth factors that are responsible for performing 3 important functions in the human body:

  • As a part of the blood clotting mechanism to control bleeding.
  • Tissue regeneration.
  • Blood vessel reconstruction at injury sites.

Therefore, by utilizing these properties of platelets and injecting autologous platelets we can regenerate lost collagen and fibroblast cells. Thus, it can heal and repair skin layers to give us a more youthful look and feel.

Steps involved in the plasmolifting procedure?

It is a procedure that lasts for no more than 30 minutes and constitutes the following 3 steps:

  • The first step involves the collection of about 10-60 ml of the patient’s blood.
  • Plasma rich in a high concentration of platelets is then collected by the method of centrifugation in specialized gel tubes.
  • The separated autologous plasma containing platelets and growth factors is then injected into the intradermal layers of the patient’s skin prepared for the treatment.
  • The areas that are usually injected with autologous plasma are the Forehead, cheeks, area around the mouth, and the eyes.

The process is carried out in multiple sessions, usually 4 injections at a 1-week interval to get a prolonged effect of tissue regeneration from the plasmolifting therapy. You might also require booster injections every year to maintain the youthfulness of your skin.

It is quite a safe procedure because there is very little chance of allergic reactions and biocompatibility issues as you are injected with your own blood.

However, there are many contraindications to this procedure and you must always contact a certified and experienced healthcare professional to evaluate if plasmolifting is safe for you. 

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