Habits of Skin Care that can Adequately Worsen Acne

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Are you treating your acne properly but still getting fresh breakouts? It’s possible that your skin care routine is to fault. Here, you’ll discover certain skin-care habits that might aggravate acne, as well as experts’ advice on how to break them.

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Use acne-causing cosmetics, skin care products, and hair care products

Many skin and hair care products, including cosmetics, include oil or other substances that can promote acne outbreaks. You may continue to experience flaws if you continue to use them. What to do instead: Only use “non-comedogenic” or “won’t clog pores” cosmetics, sunscreen, skin, and hair-care products. Most people do not have breakouts as a result of using these products. Instead, use hemp (กัญชง, this is the term in Thai) oil, as it serves as an amazing anti-acne treatment.

Makeup, cosmetics brushes, and makeup applicators should all be shared

Sharing cosmetics, even if you solely use non-comedogenic products, might cause pimples. Although acne isn’t infectious, acne-causing bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells from other people’s skin might get up in your makeup if you share cosmetics, brushes, or applicators. You can transmit their germs, oil, and dead skin cells to your skin when you wear that cosmetics. These can block pores and cause outbreaks. What to do instead: Double-check that you’re the only one who uses your cosmetics, brushes, and applicators.

You should sleep with your makeup on

If you sleep in it, even non-comedogenic cosmetics can cause acne. Instead, take off your makeup before going to sleep. There are no exceptions. Use a makeup remover towelette if you’re too sleepy to wash your face. Just make sure the towelette is non-comedogenic.

Throughout the day, wash your face

Washing your face many times a day might irritate your skin even more, resulting in additional breakouts. Instead, wash your face twice a day, before you get out of bed and before you go to bed. When you’ve finished a sweaty exercise, you’ll also want to cleanse your face.

Your skin will get dry

Because acne-prone skin is oily, it’s tempting to use astringents and acne treatments until your face feels dry. Don’t do it. Irritated skin is dry skin. You risk acquiring more acne if you irritate your skin. Instead, follow the instructions for using acne remedies. Apply a moisturizer designed for acne-prone skin if your skin feels dry. After you’ve washed your face, apply the moisturizer twice a day. Astringents, rubbing alcohol, and anything else that might dry up your skin should also be avoided.

Cleanse your skin with a scrub

You might be tempted to scrape your skin clean to get rid of acne. Don’t do it. Scrubbing your skin can aggravate it, causing acne to flare up.

Instead, consider the following options:

When cleaning your face and other acne-prone skin, be gentle. You should use a non-comedogenic cleaner that is gentle. Most cosmetic skin clinics would recommend you to use a non-comedogenic cleaner that is gentle. Using only your fingertips, gently rinse it off with warm water. Then pat your skin dry. And try apply กัญชง oil.

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