Removing varicose veins means surgery

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Varicose veins affect a large percentage of the population and can be caused by numerous factors.

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Once vein valves are damaged, the aim of surgery is to ease pressure in the skin veins by tying or removing the affected veins.  They might need to do some trials before completing these surgeries for real which is why there are sites like who offer Paid Medical Trials

Admission to hospital

Varicose vein treatment is usually a day case and you will be escorted by a nurse to a hospital bed, and your nursing record will be completed. Pre-operative tests are then conducted which involve blood tests.

The surgeon performing the operation will talk you through the procedure, and once you have both agreed on the veins to be removed, will mark the veins with a pen. The anaesthetist will also visit and talk through the anaesthetic being used in the operation.

The operation

Performed with a general anaesthetic, a tiny needle will be injected into the back of the hand, ensuring you are asleep in a few seconds.

A 4 – 6cm incision is made in the groin. The end of the faulty vein is tied to stop blood flow, and a wire is inserted into the vein, passing down to the knee. At the back of the knee another cut is made, where the vein is then pulled out. This procedure is known as stripping. Any visible varicose veins are then removed by tiny incisions around 2 – 3mm long, and depending on the number of varicose veins, this may be extensive. Any large incisions are secured with a stitch, which won’t need to be removed. The leg is then bandaged from groin to toe.

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The operation should prevent any recurrence of varicose veins, while removing the damaged veins.

 After treatment

You will then be taken to a recovery area where after about 20 – 30 minutes you will wake up. Once fully awake you will return to the ward. There is usually a slight burning or stinging sensation in the leg, but it should be minimal. You should be able to eat and drink within a couple of hours.

The leg should be kept bandaged for 48 hours to ensure satisfactory healing and the incisions should become invisible in around 9 -12 months.

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