What You Should Know about Getting a Breast Lift

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With the procedure, a breast lift specialist raises and reshapes the breasts to give them a rounder and firmer look. The surgery can also remove extra skin around the breast and reduce the size of the areola. As you get older, breasts lose their firmness and elasticity. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight loss and gain can help speed up this process. You may want to have this surgery if your breasts have started to droop or sag. If you are hoping to increase the size of the breast, you can also have a breast augmentation at the same time as a breast lift.

The Right Candidate for a Breast Lift

Many people automatically think of breast augmentation,but you may be better off with a breast lift instead. If you feel like your breasts have lost their shape, then a breast lift can be the answer. If your breasts are elongated or flat, then a breast lift may also benefit you. One of the goals of a breast lift is to remove excess or stressed out skin since this can restore the breast’s youthfulness and perkiness. Removing excess skin can also help bras and swimsuits fit more comfortably. If the breasts are uneven, a breast lift can be the answer to have even, shapely breasts. A breast lift specialist can evaluate the condition of your breasts to determine if a breast lift is, in fact, the right procedure for you.

The Procedure

A breast lift specialist can perform the procedure using a few different techniques. The technique chosen will depend on the shape and size of the breast and how much lift is needed. Before the procedure, the specialist will ask you to take certain medications and you need to stop smoking. You will be asleep during the procedure and then the surgeon makes an incision around the areola. The cut usually extends down the front of the breast. It can also extend along the sides. The surgeon then lifts and reshapes the breast. Once the procedure is done the surgeon closes the incisions with stitches, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. Incisions are placed in parts of the breast that will be less visible.


After the procedure, the breasts can be sore and swollen for a few weeks. Doctors give you medication to help with some of the pain. You need to wear a non-wire or surgical bra for two to three weeks after the surgery. Bruising and swelling go away after a few weeks but the breasts can take between two and 12 months before reaching their final shape.


Just like with any surgery, there can be some risks. These include bleeding, infections, scars, loss of feeling in the nipple or breast, blood clots, or the need for another surgery. Discuss all the risks with your specialist before you proceed.

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