Common skin problems and addressing them

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There are about 30,000 skin problems listed under dermatology. However, there are only a few problems that occur in people. They are quite common. Some of them are minor and can be treated effectively, while some of them are serious conditions that may warrant immediate and long-term treatment processes. You can reach out to the for quality treatment that involves analyzing the cause and the severity of the problem and rendering effective solutions to address the problems.

Common skin problems


This is a very common skin condition that manifests on the face, shoulders, neck, upper back, and the chest. This results in breakouts that are painful and messy. The condition manifests during puberty and may last even during middle age.

Cold sores

This is a viral infection caused by the highly contagious herpes simplex virus(HSV). The condition is characterized by a cluster of blisters on the tip of the mouth. They might clear within a period of two weeks. However, HSV carriers need to avoid contact with others when there is a cold sore breakout.


This is an allergic reaction. This refers to an itchy welt which could be either as small as a pen tip or as big as a dinner plate. About can last up to 6 weeks. Skin creams and antihistamines are administered to address the issue.


It is referred to as Atopic dermatitis. Dry, scaly patches on the skin are indications of this condition. They last for a really long time. Antihistamines and creams are used to reduce the itchiness, which is characteristic of the skin condition.


There are different types of psoriasis. The most common form is plaque psoriasis. This is a condition that results from cells that are generated and piled up on the skin to form a scaly patch. They might appear on the elbows, knee, scalp and lower back.


This is a benign mole that grows at a rapid rate. Melanoma can be treated easily if it is detected early, but if it goes undiagnosed, it can be a serious form of cancer that can be deadly.


This attacks the skin, kidneys and the lungs and is a type of autoimmune disorder. The condition is characterized by rashes and the thick, scaly patch on the face. Su-burn like flare-ups are also common. The triggers for this condition include stress, environmental factors, exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet light.

Keratosis Pilaris

They are harmless plugs of dead cells of the skin that are seen on the arms and thighs. Dryness of the skin and itchiness are the issues that have to be addressed to treat the condition.


Skin sensitivity and dryness red bumps in the nose, cheek and the neck area, as well as redness, are the conditions associated with this skin ailment.


It is a contagious fungal infection that can appear anywhere in the body, but it usually appears in the arms and legs. The rash is red or silvery. It can be scary too. It is named so because other rashes appear in a ring shape.

Vitiligo, scabies, warts etc. are some of the other skin problems that have to be addressed by specialists. Most of the time, it is necessary to take medication and keep applying creams and lotions that help control the dryness and itchiness of the skin, which is characteristic of most of the skin problems.

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