FAQ About Steroids

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1. How much muscle mass can you expect to gain during your first cycle of steroids?

Well, it really depends on the individual and their dosing, but it’s not uncommon to see a solid gain of over 10 Kg. Some of this may be water retention, but with the right approach, you can definitely pack on some serious muscle.

2. Are the gains from using steroids temporary?

 It’s a bit of a mixed answer. While the initial gains shouldn’t be temporary if you continue to train, eat well, and follow a proper post-cycle therapy program, it’s important to note that extreme physical development can’t be maintained long-term without the use of anabolic substances. Once you stop using steroids, your body will naturally revert back to its normal limits. However, steroids do have a lasting effect on your muscles by increasing the number of cellular nuclei, which can enhance muscle memory and help you reach your genetic limit faster. 

3. Can you expect lasting benefits from using steroids?

Absolutely! Steroids can permanently alter the physiology of your muscles by adding more cellular nuclei. This means that even after a long period of abstinence from training and steroids, the nuclei remain, providing a muscle memory effect. This can help you reach your genetic limit (and maybe even slightly surpass it) faster than if you had never used steroids in the past. So, there are definitely lasting benefits beyond just the temporary increase in muscle size.

4. Can steroids transform me into a professional bodybuilder?

If you possess the right genetic makeup and are willing to put in the hard work and dedication, it is possible to achieve an impressive physique with the help of steroids. However, it’s important to note that only a few individuals are able to reach the level of professional bodybuilders, despite using steroids and looking big and impressive.

5. Is an isolated cycle of steroids dangerous?

In terms of short-term effects, anabolic/androgenic steroids are considered relatively safe. It is highly unlikely to experience a fatal overdose, and the negative health changes such as alterations in cholesterol, blood pressure, hematocrit, and blood clotting are not likely to cause serious harm or death after a single cycle. While there have been rare cases of stroke and liver cancer in short-term abusers, these occurrences are statistically extremely rare considering the large number of people who use these drugs.

6. What are the risks of long-term steroid use?

Using steroids for non-medical purposes in the long term can be an unhealthy practice. Although it is challenging to determine the exact risk, the main concern lies in the fact that abuse of anabolic/androgenic steroids can lead to permanent side effects. 

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