Getting a V-Shape Face: Double Chin Removal

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During your twenties, you might have noticed that your face starts to round out. As you age past forty, the fat in your chin and neck area may start to accumulate. These are both caused by aging and genetics and there is no way of preventing them from happening. The good news is that there are a few double chin removal treatments to get rid of it!

A v-shape face has been proven as one of the most attractive facial features for men or women so if you want to look younger and more confident, this article will show you how!

Why Do People Want a V-shape Face?

Most people would want a v-shaped face (can you guess which celebrity has this type of face shape?) because it’s easier to look good with it! Looks aside, even celebrities who already have a nice body often prefer to work out their faces since the right facial workout can also make their body figure look firmer and more toned. The best part is that you don’t have to spend hours in the gym lifting weights, or eating clean foods if you want a V-shape face; there are proven steps and exercises for you to follow instead. So let’s see what they are!

What are the Causes of Double Chin?

The main causes of a double chin is due to age, genetics and unhealthy lifestyle. It may also be caused by some medical conditions that affect body fat. It is possible to have a double chin even when you are in shape. 

Genetics is what you are born with and we don’t have any control over it. Ageing, on the other hand, is something that you can include in your lifestyle.

What are the Non-surgical Treatments for Double Chin Removal?


HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a non-surgical procedure that uses ultrasound waves to treat extra fat deposits. This technology can also be used for double chin removal so it’s become one of the hottest types of treatments in 2021!

How Does HIFU Work?

Unlike liposuction, which requires you to have needles inserted into your skin, HIFU simply targets and breaks down the fat cells using computer guided ultrasound waves. This is known as non-invasive body contouring since no cutting or incisions are required. The treatment usually takes about an hour with little or no downtime afterwards. It may take several sessions before significant results are achieved but many people can see positive changes after only one session.


Thermage is another type of non-surgical body contouring that works by heating the upper layers of the skin to tighten and tone it. It also improves skin texture and reduces wrinkles. Thermage is typically used for face lifting in Singapore but a few clinics have started to use it as an alternative form of double chin removal instead.


Ultherapy is a non-surgical facial lifting procedure that works by using ultrasound waves to contract the underlying muscles. These waves also stimulate your body’s own natural production of collagen so skin improvements are visible for up to 12 months after one treatment session!

How Do You Know Which Treatment is For You?

HIFU and Thermage are great for tightening skin, removing fat deposits or getting rid of wrinkles. Ultherapy is different in that it stimulates the muscles, which can help tighten the under chin area so you get a more chiseled looking jawline and V-shape face. If you’re unsure about which treatment to choose, make sure you visit a plastic surgeon who has experience with multiple non-surgical treatments. He will be able to tell you what works best for your condition!

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