What Are The Dangers Of Ignoring An Impacted, Infected, Or Broken Wisdom Tooth

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Having complications with your wisdom teeth Reston will probably lead you to some of the most stressful times in your life. A simple aching pain at the edge of your mouth is enough to affect your sleep, eating habits, and more. As soon as you see the signs and symptoms of a broken wisdom tooth, you must move with haste.

There are many dangers involved in having a broken, impacted, or infected wisdom tooth. Every person’s tolerance level for pain is different, so there’s no easy way of knowing if the condition of the wisdom tooth is already severe.

Below are the dangers of ignoring an impacted, infected, or broken wisdom tooth.

Bacterial infection may persist

Possibly one of the worst things that can happen at a very quick manner is the spread of bacteria. Bacterial infection in the form of pericoronitis will cause swelling and inflammation of your gums. At first, it’s going to be tolerable which doesn’t present itself as a cause for concern. However, as time goes by, it might even require oral surgery to remove the gum flag if antibiotics aren’t able to cause inflammation and swelling to go down.

When you start to feel pain, it’s quite possible that bacterial infection is already starting from the partially exposed wisdom tooth.

Surrounding teeth may get damaged

Because of the complications that may arise during the growth of a wisdom tooth, you may start to feel pain in the surrounding area. A common misconception is that this is always the case. An impacted, infected, or broken wisdom tooth presents you with the same pain. You might make a mistake between the two.

The proper alignment of your bite can become affected if your teeth are not aligned correctly. The damage is permanent so it will require surgery to fix the misaligned teeth. Extracting the wisdom teeth Reston is going to be needed to make sure that the teeth are no longer being pushed inwards.

Difficulty in eating due to a cyst

A cyst can be caused if a wisdom tooth stays impacted inside of the gum. The jawbone will be affected if this continues. The cyst will make it incredibly difficult to eat and drink because swallowing will be tougher than usual.

A cyst is one of the worst things that can stem from an impacted, infected, or broken wisdom tooth that has been ignored. The warning signs are quite easy to spot because you will most likely feel the pain or at least the difference in feeling when the gum starts to swell. It’s acting upon it that you have to insist on doing.

Tooth decay becomes harder to prevent

Because of the difficulty in getting around the areas where there’s swelling, you might not be able to brush or floss to the optimal level. When this happens, you are exposing yourself to the risk of having tooth decay which is another stressful issue on its own. When cavities are developed, you will need to have the wisdom tooth extracted to address the separate issues.

At Northern Virginia Oral, Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery, no wisdom teeth Reston issue is impossible. We have the best surgeons to provide the best treatment for you. Contact us today!


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