Keto Failed? Try those Ketogenic Diet tips for The Best Results

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How to transition to a Keto diet?

Switching your body from being a sugar burner to eventually becoming a fat burner can take anywhere from two to six weeks, depending on your current metabolic state, and your mindset. 

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Unless you’re already eating very clean, it can be hard to jump all into this new way of eating. It’s all about your individual journey towards attaining optimal health and you need to start with where you’re at. 

Our suggestion is to start with changing your mindset first and realize that this is not just another diet. You do not have to live in ketosis forever, and you will not be depriving yourself. However, if you are used to eating highly-processed sugary food and refined carbohydrates you will have to ease into it. 

Your very first step, in our opinion, should be eliminate C. R. A. P. from your diet. This means, Carbohydrates, Refined Sugars, Artificial Foods, Processed Foods that is found in our S.A.D. (Standard American Diet). Start by removing refined sugars and processed carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, sugary drinks, energy bars, cereals, alcohol, sweets, etc. 

The other crucial thing to consider when you’re beginning a keto diet is to test your blood Ketones and monitor your carb intake. Without it, you’ll never truly know if you’ve reached Keto adaptation. 

Quick Keto diet tips for best results. 

If you are already following the Keto diet and are having success nutritionally, emotionally, and cognitively, then keep doing what you’re doing. If, on the other hand, you are not feeling well, then it may be time to re-evaluate. 

  • Get in and then, out of Ketosis.

Try and cycle in and out of Ketosis to give your body a break and to train your body to be flexible, as to what sources of fuel it burns. 

  • Listen to your body.

Some people incorporate dairy into their Keto diet and others do not. Your body will send you signals as to how it deals with certain foods. It’s up to you to listen to your body and change what you are eating accordingly. 

  • Buy and eat the highest quality of nutrients you can.

Eat organic produce, grass-fed and pasture-raised meats, dairy free Ketogenic teriyaki chicken sauce and wild-caught seafood, and use only healthy anti-inflammatory fats like extra-virgin olive oil. Eliminate vegetable and seed oils.

  • Change your lifestyle habits.

Stick to your eating plan and follow a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and eliminating additional toxins and stressors can make significant improvements to your total health. 

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