The Benefits of HGH Therapy

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The anti-ageing industry is worth billions and getting bigger every year. We have never spent so much money on pills, potions and procedures in the never-ending battle against growing old. Collagen has been used for years in this war and now there’s another kid on the block!

HGH, or human growth hormone, naturally occurs in the body’s pituitary gland and is vital for cell regeneration and reproduction and growth. Now it is available as a stand-alone therapy and faster than you can say “I need to find an HGH clinic near me” – it’s become the #1 choice for thousands of Americans.

What Does HGH Do?

Human growth hormone assists in the building, repair and maintenance of healthy tissues in the brain and many other organs. It’s the hormone which speeds up healing following an injury and repair muscle tissues following a tough session at the gym. It also helps to boost metabolism, burn fat and boost muscle mass. HGH stimulated the metabolic processes within the cells to activate the body’s metabolism. It also stimulates the liver to create a protein similar to insulin that in turn helps in the production of cartilage cells. This plays a major role in the growth of both bones and organs, as well in the synthesis of muscle proteins. As this is a naturally occurring substance which, like collagen, decreases with age, all treatments and supplements are synthetically produced to be as close as possible to the real thing.

Benefits and Uses

Synthetic human growth hormones have long been used to treat children and adults whose physical growth has been poor. It is also widely used to treat muscle loss and short bowel syndrome in those suffering from AIDS and HIV. There are many reasons for poor growth, but most of them are the result of such medical conditions as chronic kidney disease, HGH deficiency, low birth weights, Prader-Willi syndrome, Turner syndrome and muscle wasting disease.

HGH injections can greatly benefit those suffering from a growth hormone deficiency in lots of ways including;

  • Increase in their capacity for exercise
  • Improved bone density
  • Boost to muscle mass
  • Reduction in body fat

Due to the nature of these benefits, HGH is widely used by athletes to enhance their sporting abilities. Used in conjunction with anabolic steroids, the user will see an increase in their muscle mass and an enhancement in their athletic performances.

Then we have the group who firmly believe that HGH boasts terrific anti-ageing properties due to it effectively replacing the body’s level of human growth hormone. Not all benefits have been medically proven however, and please ensure you only receive your treatment at a recognised clinic. The stuff you can buy online looks great and seems to tick all the boxes but you have absolutely no proof of what you are putting into your body. These knock off products are cheap for a reason; no money spent on research, a scant amount of HGH, if any, is present and most of them are mass-produced overseas. If you care enough about your body to consider HGH therapy then make sure you get the real thing.


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