Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin

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The skin is an important part of our body as it acts as a barrier, protecting our bodies from damaging things on the outside. So, it’s important to maintain it and take care of it. To keep good care of your skin, here are some tips that dermatologists recommend following.

1. Check it regularly.

Skin cancer is very common in the U.S., affecting one in five Americans. When detected early, this type of cancer can be treated. It is important to check regularly for new spots which are different from other areas on the human body, or moles that itch, bleed, or change color. These are often warning signs of cancer, so make an appointment with a dermatologist in Bountiful if you notice these spots.

2. Simplify your care routine.

When it comes to skincare, using fewer products will be more beneficial because using lots of products can irritate your skin. So, try to concentrate on the basics, such as a gentle cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer. Establish a morning and nighttime skincare routine to cleanse.

3. Wear sunscreen every day, even on your lips

Sunscreen is one of the single most significant things you can do to care for your skin. When applied correctly, sunscreen protects you against the sun’s harmful UV rays, which cause sunburn, cancer, wrinkles, and spots. To save time on your skincare regimen, you can consider using a moisturizer that also contains sunscreen. Since sunscreen can not block all of the sun’s UV rays, it’s also important to seek out shade and wear sun-protective clothes when doing outdoor activities in Bountiful. Wearing lip balm with sunscreen with SPF of 30 or higher will protect your lips from getting damaged.

4. Stay out of tanning beds.

Just like the sun, tanning beds in Bountiful emit harmful UV radiation that causes cancer. Even one indoor tanning session may increase your risk of developing cancer. If you want to look more tan, try using self-tanners. When implemented correctly, they appear natural and won’t leave orange streaks.

5. Avoid touching your face

When your hands touch your face, you move dirt, oil, and germs from your hands to your face. Try to leave your skin alone throughout the day if you can. Keep from picking, popping, or squeezing pimples, as this can cause scarring.

Reach out to a dermatologist in Bountiful for any skin care needs you may have.

Bahr Dermatology is a clinic in Bountiful offering skin care services to help you stay safe and look beautiful.


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