Top Health Food Store Natural Skincare Picks

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Our nutrition is essential for our wellbeing and health. What we choose to feed our bodies with affects our internal and external organs, including the largest of them all – our skin.

Checking out for natural skin care products is easy now as you can check for them online at

However, we can apply some food that we purchase in health food stores to our skin directly and treat certain skin conditions effectively.

Here are the top six skincare picks that you can find in your favorite health food store.

Coconut Oil

Made by extracting the oil from raw coconuts, coconut oil has been touted for a variety of health benefits. This oil is frequently used in cooking, but there are many conditions that can be improved by applying it directly to our skin or hair.

Because of its rich lauric acid content, coconut oil can kill harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi. As many types of skin infections, such as acne, athlete’s foot, cellulitis, and folliculitis are caused by microorganisms, using coconut oil will keep your skin germ free and healthy.

Coconut oil can also reduce inflammation and relieve specific conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and acne. It is believed that it has significant anti-inflammatory properties, as it improves the antioxidant status and decreases oxidative stress.

It can safely be used as a moisturizer for your skin to keep it hydrated, while some animal studies have shown that it can also help with wound healing.


Honey is packed with components that are beneficial to the skin, but only when it comes in its raw and natural, unpasteurized form. Raw honey speeds up your cell healing process and reduces inflammation, so it will help you relieve your acne, eczema, and psoriasis issues.

Manuka honey, native to New Zealand, is especially potent when it comes to its antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. It is mighty in treating burns, ulcers, and scars. For some great Manuka honey offers, you can check out Health Matters store or for raw varietal honey try the Mohawk Valley Trading Company.

You can use it as a paste, as a spot treatment or in the form of a face mask, as long as you don’t have any allergic reactions to pollen or other bee-related products.


Antioxidants, fatty acids, and fiber – flaxseeds have it all! They are so full of goodness that they are considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet. 

Flaxseeds are also known for fighting inflammation so that they will help your skin heal in the cases of psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, and acne. Applying a paste of ground flaxseed with olive or coconut oil on your itchy skin will calm the irritation, rashes, and inflammation.

These tiny brownish golden seeds are rich with omega-3 fatty acids. They help your body produce collagen, a protein that prevents wrinkles, and even reduces them, so adding flaxseeds to your diet will make your skin look firm and youthful. 

If you want to get the most out of flaxseeds, it is best to eat them raw. Consider adding two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds to your diet, daily.

Green Tea

Because of its numerous health benefits, green tea has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for thousands of years. However, it’s now gaining popularity in the West too, and you can easily find it in any health food shop and include in your skincare routine.

Green tea is rich in antioxidant compounds that can help your body fight free radicals and protect your skin from non-melanoma skin cancer.

And while its antioxidant properties will also help you fight premature aging of your skin, green tea is also great for reducing inflammation. Topical green tea can effectively treat acne, and soothe irritation and itching caused by dermatitis, rosacea, or psoriasis.

Dark Chocolate

Did you know that you can indulge in chocolate without any guilt while benefiting your beauty and your health?

Just be careful – when making your choice, reach for dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content. Dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants, especially flavonoids, so it does wonders for protecting your skin, and keeping it smooth. It is also high in calcium and iron, vitamins A, B1, C, D, and E. It will hydrate and nourish your skin, and at the same time, it will help it fight the effects of the sun and prevent skin cancer.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Because of the fruit acids it contains such as acetic, citric, and malic acid, Apple cider vinegar is often used in skincare.

Apple vinegar has astringent properties, meaning it increases the blood flow to the skin and minimizes the pores, thus being beneficial for people with oily skin.

If you’re struggling with pimples or acne, a bottle of apple vinegar will always come handy. You can use it as a face wash or a toner to keep your skin pores clean from any bacteria, dust, and oil.

The food on this list will help your skin inside out, so the next time you visit a health food store, make sure you’ve put them on your shopping list.

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