What to do if transplanted hair falling out after 2 years?

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If your transplanted hair starts falling two years after hair transplantation, you should go and see your doctor again. The result of a good hair transplant is usually permanent and it is very unlikely that your hair starts falling only after two years post-treatment. This could happen due to many possible causes. The doctor will examine and reevaluate this issue before a conclusion is given to you. Do not worry as the success rate of hair transplant is above 50%. Doctors will advise patients on the most suitable treatment for them. Hair transplant and other hair loss treatments mean a lot to many people. They are more confident, happy, and feel normal once the issue is treated. Touching grafts after hair transplant can cause infection, inflammation, and treatment failure. So please do not touch the newly-grafted area.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure aiming to treat hair loss. A hair transplant will use your hair and grow them on the affected area (scalp). If a person is completely bald, then, body hair can be used instead of using the remaining hairs on the scalp. It is not possible to use hairs from other individuals to treat hair loss. In most cases, there are still enough hairs remaining on the scalp to be transplanted on the affected areas. There are two main methods of hair transplant. The first procedure is follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) and the second procedure is follicular unit extraction (FUE). If you are going for follicular unit extraction, the back of your scalp will be shaved by the surgical team and then, the surgeon will remove hair follicles one by one from there. The shaved areas will recover with small dots and do not worry as the dots will be covered by your hair later.

The other procedure which is the follicular unit strip surgery will require a surgeon to remove a few inches of skin from the back of your head. The surgeon will close the area by sewing it. The area will be covered by the surrounding hair. The skin will later turn into numerous small grafts (up to 2000). Each hair graft will have a few hairs. Later, for both procedures, the surgeon will make multiple small holes on the bald area and start putting in hair follicles obtained from FUE, FUSS, or any other procedure. Hair transplant surgery might take up to 8 hours. Some patients are satisfied by the result from one session of hair transplant surgery, while some may want to go for another session.

Your scalp will be in pain after the surgery. You will be put on scalp bandages for up to two days. Other than that, you will need to take painkillers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory. However, not all patients require antibiotics after the procedure. Hair loss can bring down confidence and makes you insecure. In some people, hair loss may cause depression or other emotional disturbances. Hair loss is treatable and reversible. Individuals with hair loss problems should not let this issue negatively affect their lives. Go for a treatment like a hair transplant and live your life cheerfully again. Before going for treatment, individuals with hair loss problems should see a doctor for evaluation and advice.

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