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Being a new bariatric procedure, gastric sleeve surgery is becoming a popular weight loss surgery option for many. If you are struggling with constant weight gain or obesity there are chances that your doctor might suggest you gastric sleeve surgery or other procedures. Each surgery being different from another and unique situation of each patient makes it necessary to consult a doctor to choose the right surgery that suits your needs.

Consider the following information as a general guide to knowing more about gastric sleeve surgery.

  • Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Vertical Gastroplasty, Greater Curvature Gastrectomy, Parietal Gastrectomy, Gastric Reduction, and Sleeve Gastroplasty are other names for the procedure.
  • The procedure is also simply referred to as “sleeve”, informally by many surgeons and others.
  • In this process, a sleeve is created inside the stomach, which is a thin vertical passage for your food to enter the digestive system.
  • A portion of the stomach, having been cut out surgically a sleeve is created. This helps in making space for the newly created sleeve to pass food with ease.
  • Now due to low space in the stomach, patients feel full more quickly due to the sleeve.
  • This procedure helps in effectively decreasing the food intake of the patient. They consume less and smaller portions and feel they have no more space for additional food or servings.
  • The food gets fully absorbed by the body as it is passed through the digestive tract as it normally does, causing no alteration to the original process.
  • Being laparoscopically performed, gastric sleeve surgery is minimally invasive. This indicates shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, less pain, and smaller scars.
  • Maintain a healthy, active lifestyle with a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and the proper amounts of exercise are essential post-surgery and will be recommended by the professional surgeon.

I hope the above facts help you in understanding gastric sleeve surgery better than before.

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