Helpful Ways to Relieve Muscle and Joint Pain

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Muscle pain is more common than you think. If you have been experiencing muscle and joint pain recently, then it is necessary you get yourself checked for Arthritis. Many patients try to relieve their muscle pain without the expense of medicines and doctor visits. While it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor and get your prescribed medicines from, you can do things on your own that may help relieve the pain.

1. Exercise more often

Exercise is mostly associated with muscle and joint pain. Regular mild exercises may reduce the intensity of pain as it strengthens the muscles that support the joints. Exercise also helps the body to produce endorphins that relieve pain.

The type of exercise you perform depends upon the ability of your body to take the intensity. Your current fitness level also makes your exercise effective. Pool exercises, walking and tai chi are considered gentle on the joints and are recommended for beginners.

2. Eat more fibre

People who eat more fibre in their diet have less osteoarthritis pain. Foods rich in fibre content foster a healthy balance of microbes in the digestive system. If an imbalance of microbes occurs this may cause a condition called gut dysbiosis which is associated with a higher risk of inflammation in the body. 

3. Warm-up joints

Applying heat to aching joints is one of the oldest and most effective methods of pain relief. This may cause discomfort but applying heat to painful areas increases blood flow to the stiff joints and sore muscles. You can try heat therapy using a:

  • Electric heating pad
  • Hot water bottle
  • Hot bath
  • Gel-filled pad

 4. Cooldown joints

Applying a cold compress to the skin of a stiff joint may reduce the painful inflammation in that area. This treatment slows down the neurotransmitters and you feel less pain.

5. Practice good sleep habits

Getting enough sleep is very essential for managing pain. Try to get a restful sleep. Make a comfortable bed for yourself with plush pillows and a soft mattress. Turn off all distractions from your room when you are going to sleep such as lights, noises, gadgets etc. This way your brain will go in sleep mode itself and sends signals to your body to relax. A night of good sleep helps the body to heal by itself.

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