7 Ways yoga can improve your health and longevity

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Your lifestyle and food choices are the most important parameters to govern your longevity. The present-day lifestyle throws numerous health challenges in life and often makes it difficult to lead a healthy and prolonged life. Many people are taking practical decisions by opting for life insurance to manage expenses for their family. You can compare different plans from online portals like iSelect to narrow down your choices. However, there are way to increase your lifespan naturally. Yoga is the answer to all such challenges life presents. Many saints and older practicing yoga have been living for more than a hundred years. There are many ways yoga improves your overall health and increase your lifespan.

  • Improves blood flow

Yoga makes your blood flow. It relaxes your blood circulation system and improves the flow of blood to all the parts of your body. As more fresh oxygenated blood reaches the cells and organs and enhances their functions. It also improves the inverse blood flow from lower body to heart and brain for enhanced coordination. Yoga also prevents blood clots and maintain healthy counts.

  • Enhance heart health

Most workout routines either increase or decrease your heart rate. But yoga helps in maintaining a balance. While some of the movements boost heart rate, other poses relax your body and lower the resting rate. This improves your control over the breath, oxygen flow, and mitigate the risk of heart diseases.

  • Boost your immune system

Movements under yoga help in draining your lymph and getting rid of toxins from the body. The process assist the body to kill the diseased cells and fight the infections better. Yoga has an amazing ability to boost your immunity when needed and also lower its inappropriate aggression in autoimmune diseases. This prevents frequent sickness and adds more years to your life.

  • Soothe your nervous system and ensure better sleep

Present-day lifestyle and society can be taxing to your nervous system. Yoga activities like medication and breathing exercises can provide the necessary downtime and soothe your nerves. You are able to get better sleep. It reduces stress, fatigue, and deterioration of the body cells.

  • Boost your lung power

Apart from your brain and heart, lungs are also one of the most crucial organ of your body that governs the overall health and longevity. By inducing breathing from the nose, yoga helps in better filtration and humidification of the inner air. It effectively clears your lungs by removing congestion due to cold, dust, pollens, and other things. Your lungs get more room to breathe and extend lifespan.

  • Improves digestion and stimulate better absorption of nutrients

Living healthy and longer needs better absorption of nutrients from the food. Yoga postures stimulate digestion and pace up the absorption process. The food travels faster through your gastrointestinal track with nutrients absorbed and better transfers to the body parts.

  • Encourage a healthy lifestyle

Your body has an amazing ability to fight health threats and stay healthy. In most cases, it can heal and cure itself. Yoga gives you an opportunity to reach inside and focus on self-care. People who practice yoga tend to better understand their body and address it’s calling well. The more take care of your body, the longer it will serve you.

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