What Are the Benefits of Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine?

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Although 50.3% of the global population has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and more than 9.37 billion doses were administered worldwide, there are still many people that don’t believe in the vaccine. No matter whether it’s because of various conspiracy theories such as the belief that vaccines contain microchips, due to the myth that they cause autism, or because they believe they will simply avoid infection or gain immunity naturally, it’s vital that people understand all the benefits that vaccines come with. While there are several manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine, getting any vaccine is better than getting none. With that in mind, here are some perks of getting vaccinated.

You minimize the risk of getting infected

Even though it is currently still being debated whether and when we might need a fourth dose of the vaccine to stay protected, it’s essential to keep in mind that our bodies start producing antibodies to the coronavirus from the moment we receive the first shot. These antibodies are useful for fighting the virus if you’re exposed to it, meaning that they even reduce your chances of getting the disease altogether. It’s important to note that it’s still possible to get infected even once you’re vaccinated. However, once a certain number of the global population receives the vaccine, we should develop herd immunity, which means that the chances of getting infected would be further reduced.

The consequences will not be as bad

You should also keep in mind that people who are vaccinated don’t experience as severe symptoms as those unvaccinated individuals. The risk of complications such as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress system, septic shock, multi-organ failure, and death is reduced by a great margin. As we reach herd immunity, the coronavirus symptoms should resemble those of the common cold and not have deadly consequences.

Vaccination is a safe and reliable way to build immunity

Many individuals believe that getting infected with COVID-19 will provide them with enough antibodies that they will not have to get vaccinated and that they will be prepared if they even get exposed again. However, COVID-19 can lead to severe illness and death. Moreover, it’s not possible to predict who will experience mild symptoms and who will end up in critical condition. What is more, many people report long-term health issues after recovering from the coronavirus. Lastly, there is also the possibility of spreading COVID-19 to people you interact with that might not be eligible for the vaccine or belong to an increased risk group. Having all that in mind, it should be easy to see how much safer and more reliable getting the vaccine is, as you will not be infected through the shot and you will not be able to infect others.

COVID-19 vaccines are approved for adults and children

Global health experts agree and the studies confirm that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective for both adults and children. Therefore, unless you’re not eligible for the vaccine, there is no reason to believe that it will not keep you protected. So, check your government’s vaccine rollout and where you can go to get your shot. In some cases, only medical centers offer this service while in others, pharmacies and other locations that have a high-quality pharmacy vaccine refrigerator that can keep the vaccine at the right temperature are also available.

They can help your unborn baby or newborn

As vaccines are also recommended for pregnant people, unborn babies can also get the antibodies through the placenta and be protected from the moment they are born. Moreover, nursing parents can also pass antibodies to their babies through breast milk. Seeing as how the youngest are still not eligible for the vaccine, hearing that they can be protected in this way is great news.

You will protect the people around you as well

Finally, if the above-listed benefits still haven’t convinced you, an important reason to get vaccinated is the fact that you can keep your loved ones protected as well. The faster we reach herd immunity, the faster we will get this disease under control and then those that are more susceptible should be safe.

If you’re still not vaccinated and are considering making the move, know that it is certainly the right one. There are more benefits than risks and everyone will surely appreciate it if we can get out of this situation as fast as possible.

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